Pada prinsipnya, past future tense mirip dengan simple future tense dan ketentuan-ketentuan yang berlaku pada simple future tense umumnya juga berlaku pada past future tense. Tetapi, karena bergulirnya waktu, simple future tense bergeser dari future time ke past time menjadi past future tense. Untuk menjelaskan ini, di sini akan digunakan konsep dan contoh-contoh pada future tense.

Adapun rumus dari present perfect continuous tense adalah sebagai berikut :
S + Would + Verb 1 + O + Modifier
S + To Be (Was/Were) + Going To + Verb 1 + O + Modifier

Contoh :
1) Farmers in Jati Bali would grow rice crops last month.
2) Some students would conduct research on vegetative plant propagations last semester.
3) Transpiration would start to increase at 8 a.m. this morning.

Past Future Tense, seperti halnya simple future tense, dapat digunakan dalam 5 kategori, yaitu:
1. Untuk menyatakan kembali kejadian/aktivitas yang pernah diprediksi akan terjadi/dilakukan pada saat tertentu di masa lampau.
Untuk memahami perbedaann past future tense dengan simple future tense, mari kita perhatikan
contoh-contoh kalimat yang diberikan pada simple future tense berikut ini:
1) According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow
2) None of us have done the homework the teacher told us to do. He will be very disappointed when he finds out.
3) Ronny is going to come to my house at 7 o’clock tonight. I think Jeny, Ronny’s girlfriend,will come too.

2. Untuk menyatakan kembali kejadian/aktivitas yang direncanakan akan terjadi/dilakukan pada saat tertentu di masa lampau.
Dengan menggunakan analogi pada kategori 1, kalimat dalam simple future tense berikut:
1) Ronny is going to come to my house at 7 o’clock tonight.
2) He has an appointment. He is going to meet his business partner at noon.
3) I am going to go to the shopping. Do you want to go with me?
Seiring dengan berulirnya waktu akan dinyatakan dalam past future tense menjadi:
1) Ronny was going to come to my house at 7 p.m. two days ago but he couldn’t come because of the pouring rain. Atau, Ronny would come to my house at 7 p.m. two days ago but he couldn’t come because of the pouring rain.
2) He was going to meet his business partner at noon two days ago but he suddenly got sick
just half an hour before the meeting. Atau, He would meet his business partner at noon two
days ago but he suddenly got sick just half an hour before the meeting.
3) I was going to go to the shopping mall when I asked whether you wanted to go with me two
days ago. Atau, I would go to the shopping mall when I asked whether you wanted to go with
me two days ago.

3. Untuk membuat main clause unreal conditionals tipe 1, yaitu conditional yang faktanya dalam simple present tense atau simple future tense.
Contoh :
1) If I were you, I would study harder.
2) The crops would not fail to produce if the rain fell.
3) They would not need to lime the soil if it were not acidic

4. Untuk membuat kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech), jika kalimat langsungnya menggunakan simple future tense.
Contoh :
1) My friend told me that he would teach me.
2) An agronomist said that the soil would be more productive if we fertilized it.
3) Dean made an announcement that the final exams would be started in two weeks.

5. Untuk membuat request atau command menjadi lebih formal atau lebih sopan.
    Note: would lebih formal/sopan dibandingkan will.
1) Would you turn down the TV volume, please! It’s too loud.
2) I didn’t go to school yesterday, so would you please lend me your note?
3) If you’re free, would you go to see a movie with me tonight?

Note : Untuk kalimat negative cukup menambahkan “not” setelah would atau setelah was/were.

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