Singular and Plural Nouns

Jika dipostingan sebelumnya saya sudah membahas sedikit tentang Noun dan 100 contohnya, kali ini dari postingan "Noun atau Nomina", saya akan menentukan yang mana noun singular (tunggal) dan mana noun yang plural (jamak).

Namun sebelumnya, Apasih Singular dan Pluran Noun itu?

Singular nouns digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu benda yang berjumlah tunggal atau satu, misalnya: a computer, a chair, a train, a player, a teacher, a taxi, etc.

Plural nouns digunakan untuk menunjukkan benda yang berjumlah banyak (jamak), misalnya: computers, chairs, trains, players, teachers, taxis, etc.

Singular nouns umumnya disertai determiners (a/an, this, that, the), misalnya: a river, a castle, an idea, this book, the man, etc.

Umumnya plural nouns dibentuk dengan menambah huruf -s di belakang kata benda yang akan dibuat dalam bentuk jamak, misalnya: boats, bats, houses, rivers, computer, boys, girls, etc.

Berikut 100 contoh kalimat Singular dan Plural nouns :

1. Yuri is a tall and smart woman in my class.
2. Sean didn't know that the answers were wrong.
3. I talk to my mother who I missed her so much.
4. I know when he will arrive.
5. What Mega wrote surprised her friends.
6. He is so handsome but little bit short.
7. Jung Wheein was extremely happy when I gave her a doll.
8. Mr. Rudi is the strict teacher in the classroom.
9. This food taste is awfully bad.
10. Her chamber is a black dark room.
11. Tori is the blond-haired girl.
12. This friendly, kind girl is my sister.
13. Heley has the expensive mobile phone.
14. Carlo is grumpy, lonely boy.
15. My school is the best private school in town.
16. Aiden is not the provider of what Lisa needs.
17. Cecil's problem was that she didn't do the homework.
18. Elia is waiting for what Merry is planning.
19. The rich man come to my house.
20. The boy denied stealing the money.
21. It is the big house.
22. Did you enjoy reading this novel?
23. My sister cooked spicy chicken noodles.
24. You don’t speak too loud.
25. She don’t feel very healthy right now.
26. Don’t be too serious when you are studying mathematics.
27. The examination was terribly difficult.
28. Your bag is really beautiful.
29. The house that was bought by my father is very pricey.
30. Her speech is too terribly short.
31. This is a delicious and quite expensive food.
32. I smell your cooking, and it is very tempting.
33. Who is the owner of this big black bag?
34. He gave her lovely red roses.
35. He was wondering about his family back home.
36. A handsome man who wear good cloth.
37. I confused choose between this both cars.
38. I will join to your job.
39. The first time she come to laboratory room.
40. George is not responsible for what John has done.
41. I can’t go to summer vacation this time.
42. Her new boyfriend is a 20-something actor.
43. The long-legged man with a navy T-shirt and black jeans is my boyfriend.
44. She hate your old-fashioned long dress.
45. The blue sparkling diamond that I buy is be lost yesterday.
46. Grass-Fed organic beef is a good choice for today’s food.
47. She is a woman who older than me.
48. The accused refused to answer the question.
49. The desk in this room is big.
50. She got hurt when her brother say something harsh to her.
51. He speaks Hangul.
52. I transfer money to your bank account two days ago.
53. He made me sad.
54. My father read the newspaper.
55. Jennifer watches Beauty and The Beast movie.
56. I sleep in the living room yesterday.
57. She send email to me yesterday.
58. The baby is smiling.
59. I am weep after finished watching a movie.
60. I love listen Korean song.
61. I tried to study Accounting.
62. She is playing a guitar.
63. He will always love you.
64. I hate him.
65. She is a musician.
66. I came late this morning to campus.
67. He look in your eyes.
68. I am ready to learn.

69. They hope to win the first prize.
70. Jeck and Toni were sleeping when she arrived from London.
71. His blue wide eyes are quite beautiful.
72. MAMAMOO have the overly enthusiastic fans.
73. All the kids went to sleep late last night.
74. The boys wants to go home.
75. All shops are entering by me.
76. They have a creative ideas.
77. They now understand that the students should not cheat on an exam.
78. The moral values from the story are that we should not be arrogant.
79. We are give manure to all the many flowers.
80. We tried to solve the puzzle.
81. The girls wants to go home.
82. Elena and Ririn are so tired.
83. They are not very good to play this game.
84. They are totally powerful because of this rule.
85. The highly smart students gave their best performance.
86. Every students know how to sing Indonesia Raya’s song.
87. Many people go to MAMAMOO’s concert.
88. Their ideas are crazy thoughts.
89. Her eyes are very mesmerizing to every young man.
90. Ricky and Jecky are happy to get the prizes.
91. They buy and read the book.
92. MAMAMOO record a new song this month.
93. My old sister and mom buy their bags with low price.
94. My parents work hard.
95. We go to market.
96. Meka and Rubby eat too much noodles.
97. Some people like spicy food.
98. My sister dan I play a game together.
99. Yongsun and Byul are going to Kanada.
100. They came to my house last night.
