A breeze ruin the hairstyle of a girl who was standing on the balcony of his room, new homes occupy two days ago. She looked at the beauty of the flowers farm beside her new home. She was very enthusiastic about the house because there was a farm of flowers belonging to the previous owner of the house. Yes, that's right this girl is very like of flowers. In accordance with her name Rose. Rose Coulter.
After satisfying to look  into flower farm that belonged to her, she immediately went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Rose was not the girl who is good at cooking. But when cooking for herself, she is still able to do so. Matter of taste the affair later, the most important thing she could fill her stomach. With her makeshift materials provide fried rice, serve it at the table and promptly devoured.
When she was enjoying her breakfast, a knock sounded door. But Rose ignore it because she felt no one knew her residence area now. Even the neighbors did not know her. In addition to the new, Rose was not impressed jaunty and reserved when meeting new people she knew. But behind it all, she was an easy girl smiling.
Back the door knocking sound was heard by Rose. Immediately she awaken from his seat to open the door. When the door opens, looks a man who smiled but seemed forced. Maybe he was upset because Rose did not immediately open the door. Rose replied with a smile, but his face puzzled, because did not recognize the man.
"Good morning Miss, I’m  next door neighbor,  Albert Philip," said the man who identified himself as Albert's.
"My mother told me to give you this. As Greetings from the family of Philip ", he said again while providing a great bowl contain chicken soup.
"Ohh, I’m Rose Coulter. Thank you and sorry troublesome, sir Philip, "Rose said little stiff.
"Ahh, call Albert alone. No need as formaly as was Miss Rose, "said Albert. Rose just responded with a smile alone.
"Well excuse me", said the man bowed then left to go immediately go to work. Rose also bowed in thanks.
Looks like chicken soup is very tasty. Thank you Mrs. Philip, Inner Rose. Then she went on her breakfast again. She had to go to work at 9 o’clock and now the clock shows 8 figures. She seemed in a hurry to prepare on the day her first work as a music teacher in elementary school. Rose graduates majoring in music and she was very adept at playing various music instruments. Ranging from piano, guitar, violin, and others.
Turns impression first day works, Rose worker is not too bad but tiring as taking care of the children. In the afternoon, when she reached home, the 24 year old girl immediately freshen up with a shower. After bath she prepares hot chocolate to warm themselves and then lay down his place. Feeling bored, Rose stepped closer to the existing piano in the corner of his room. She pressed a few tutz piano then lowered himself comfortable position to continue her piano playing. A song from Bruno Marz – I Won’t Give Up.
I won’t give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I’m giving you all my love
I’m still looking up
While still sing some songs, she did not realize there was a man there who pay attention across and listen to the singing. Rose too enjoyed her piano playing, until carried away, not realizing the man looking at her from the balcony of his room which is also dealing with the Rose room balcony. Sometimes when Rose plays guitar with a little hard, like ‘Lady Roker’, making the man could not help laughing. That is often the case without knowing it until a few months by Rose. And a man was even aware there was a different feeling when seeing Rose.
"Ahhh, I'm late. How is this. Why the bus did not come, "Rose continued grumbling is not clear at the bus stop.
Tit tit...
Suddenly the sound of a car horn sounded. Rose distract. Seen in the silver car was a man who had come to her house a few months ago.
"Do you need a ride Miss Coulter?", Asked Albert friendly.
"Ahh, no need. I would ride the bus alone. Thank you, "said Rose.
"But it seems that the bus is not there anymore at this hour. Come on do not need to hesitate like it. Anyway it looks like we are in the same direction ", said Albert.
After a few seconds thought, finally Rose nodded in agreement. Arriving in front of the school where Rose taught, Rose immediately got out of the Albert’s car.
"Thank you sir Albert. If not for you, I would have been too late, "said Rose.
"Ahh, you are welcome. But what should I ask for something? Yes let's just reciprocation ", said Albert who makes Rose confused.
"Okay. What? "
"First, do not call me sir. Albert enough alone. The second ... ", Albert pause speech, thought for a moment.
"Wait on the balcony right at 5 pm. Do what you used to do every day in the hour", said Albert with a smile imagining what would happen. Visible Rose frowned, puzzled sign. Do not understand what is meant by Albert.
"Do not need to think about. Just do it. I'm just asking that's all. How? ", Albert bargaining.
"All right, Mr. Albert. Ehh, I mean Albert ", said Rose awkward the name Albert. Rose agreed to the request of Albert because she felt it was not something hard to do.
Albert smiled happy because his request is approved by Rose.
"Well, I go. Goodluck ", said Albert immediately drove his silver car.
"Strange man," Rose said softly, lifting his shoulders.
At exactly 5 pm, Rose sat in front of a piano that is in her room. Doing as instructed by Albert to her.
"Why am I so stupid. For what I obeyed what he wanted. He's not a nobody”, Rose grumbled at odds with herself. She's usually not be stupid like this just because the strange man who had spoken to her only two times. Rose is already undergoing a five month stay in her house. But she only twice met with Albert. Except with Mrs. Philip is frequently met in the morning was watering the flowers when she wants to go to work.
"Lest the men were spies, or that man ...", Rose made up her eyes, realizing something is missing and not realizing it had been. Soon she turned hed head towards the balcony of her house led to a feeling of nervousness. And sure enough, there stood opposite a man who smiles looking at a balcony room, worse still being looking her. Rose was silent, did not know what to do. Her heart was pounding unusual. What's wrong with me. Why is this strange, inner Rose.
"Come sing me a song. I request a song from Avril Lavigne - I Love You. How? ", Said Albert still shouting with a happy smile. But Rose still silent sitting in front of the piano, she was like a statue.
"Hey Miss Coulter. Did you not hear me. I know I'm very good looking, but do not look at me like that continues, "said Albert again. And finally Rose realized, she immediately stood up, walked towards the balcony of her room. Want to say something she'd been nesting on her mind.
"Wh-whether any afternoon you stand there?", Rose said nervously. Rose was only answered questions with a nod of the head by Albert who still showed her smile.
"So all this time you ...", Rose broke off, unable to continue it again, she looked very nervous and stupid now.
"Yes, I stand here every afternoon while watching you and seeing your strange behavior. Sometimes moody, but suddenly happy. And most makes me want to laugh is when you changed to 'Lady Rocker' with your guitar's black. Hahahaha ... ", Albert very happy laughter, mimicking the behavior seductive Rose when Rose crazy playing the guitar.
"Spy man. You can not do that, you interfere with people's privacy, "said Rose pouted. Her face was very cute while being pouted.
"I'm sorry but I can not stop doing it. I've been trying not to see you one day. But it can not, my body does not respond to commands from my brain. Looks like I'm ... ", Albert did not continue his words. Visible Rose still waiting for the continuation of greeting Albert.
"Take this," said Albert, throwing paper airplanes folded form. The paper landed right on the floor of the balcony rooms Rose.
"Don’t be opened. I Love You, "said Albert.
Rose suddenly felt like freezes after Albert says I Love You. What did he say? Is he crazy? Or my wrong ear hear? And why am I so happy? Ahhh, looks like I'm nuts, inner Rose.
"Hey Miss Coulter, you're not listening to me anymore?", Shouted Albert. And it was enough to restore consciousness Rose.
"Ohh, sorry. But could you repeat what you said before? "Pleaded Rose.
"Where are the words?", Confused Albert.
"The last", said Rose.
"Ohhh ... The paper was not to be opened.  First, sing the song I Love You by Avril Lavigne, then you can open it, "explained Albert.
Rose felt like a fool who fell into a deep ravine after she felt like flying in the sky. So it's just the title of the song? I think he was stating his feelings. Ahh shit, stupid, mind Rose. Immediately shook her head to quickly realize.
"Lets quickly," Albert command arbitrarily.
"You're like a child who whines when his request was not granted," said Rose upset. Rose did not realize she was not as nervous as normally talk to Albert. Even the formal language just disappear because the strange behavior of the man.
Although sputter like that, Rose keep doing what they're told by Albert. Rose immediately took position in front of his piano, then sighed direct gaze for a moment Albert, Albert nodded as a sign that Rose immediately began her piano playing.
I like your smile
I like your vibe
I like your sty-yle
But that’s not why I Love You

And I, I like the way
You’re such a sta-ar
But that’s not why I Love You

Hey, do you feel
Do you feel me?
Do you feel what I feel too?
Do you need, do you need me?
Do you need me?

You’re so beautiful
But that’s not why I Love You
I’m not sure you know
That the reason I Love You is you
Being you, just you
Yeah, the reason I Love You
Is all that we’ve been through
And that’s why I Love You
That song was sung by Rose with very beautiful with a slower tempo and softer. Done sing, Rose immediately take paper giving Albert she put it on the piano.
"If I was able to open it?", say Rose on opposite Albert existing there. Rose can not wait to know what the contents of the paper. Albert nodded, smiling. After obtaining the approval of Albert, Rose quickly opened the paper and read it.
Deg ...
Rose froze, his heart stopped beating. His legs are very weak, such as invertebrates. She felt like floating in the air. How could I not when the contents of the paper like this:
          Hey, do you feel
Do you feel me?
Do you feel what I feel too?
Do you need, do you need me?
Do you need me?
That the reason I Love You is YOU MISS COULTER
Will you be my girlfriend Miss Coulter?
* if you accepting me, sing that song again. But if not, immediately close the balcony doors and curtains room
Opposite there Albert still waiting for a reaction from Rose. After nearly 2 minutes Rose silence, she suddenly stood up, stepped closer to the balcony. It made Albert fears. Rose comes to mind will reject it in his brain. And sure enough, Rose quickly closed the balcony doors and curtains room quickly regardless Albert slightest. Rose was standing behind the door, she put her hand chest. Because her heart was beating very fast and her face flushed. Hopefully this is the right decision, inner Rose.
While there is still the man across the sculpting. Albert was very disappointed. Ya, he was brokenheart, Rose refused. L Albert breath of air as much as possible and then throw it away violently from his mouth. He felt weak, helpless. Immediately he turned stepped into his room. However, before Albert closed the balcony door room, suddenly heard the sound of piano accompanied by the melodious voice of a girl.

You’re so beautiful
But that’s not why I Love You
I’m not sure you know
That the reason I Love You is you
Being you, just you
Yeah, the reason I Love You
Is all that we’ve been through
And that’s why I Love You
A beautiful smile etched on the face Albert. He was very happy, Rose received it. Immediate resumption of his bedroom balcony door, stepped onto the balcony. Albert still faithfully waiting until the song was finished sung by Rose without losing the smile on his face. Finally, the song and the piano was not heard again.
Opposite there, Rose stepped back onto the balcony. He had to make his choice and he had to be ready to deal with it as well. Rose opened her bedroom curtains a little, then opened the door and went out to the balcony. She saw his smiling Albert.
"Does that mean you accept me?", Asked Albert ensure that thinking is correct. Rose nodded in plots of land with a shy smile.
"YES ..", say Albert fun while jumping up and down.
Rose smiled happily, see Albert behavior is very funny and jump around. I  dont know why I do this. All I did was follow my heart alone. I dont know how deeply I love you. I know my heart was beating very fast and I was very happy to know your feelings to me. I know you're a nice man and polite. And you deserve to get love from me. I Love You Too My Spy Man.
By: Fretty Indahsari Saragih
